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Suche nach: Schlagwort = Indien und Sammlung = ULB Düsseldorf
  • Titelblatt
    British novels of India since 1947
    Rubin, David
    Hanover [u.a.] : Univ. Pr. of New England, 1986
  • Titelblatt
    photography in nineteenth century India
    Chaudhary, Zahid R.
    Minneapolis [u.a.] : University of Minnesota Press, 2012
  • Titelblatt
    Geschichte einer Kolonialliteratur
    Stilz, Gerhard
    Tübingen : Niemeyer, 1981
  • Titelblatt
    Wu, Nelson Ikon
    Ravensburg : Maier, 1963
  • Titelblatt
    Fischer, Klaus ; Jansen, Michael ; Pieper, Jan
    Darmstadt : Wiss. Buchges., 1987
  • Titelblatt
    [the Nehru Gallery of Indian Art]
    Guy, J. A. (Hrsg.) ; Crill, Rosemary ; Nehru Gallery of Indian Art <London>
    London : Victoria & Albert Museum, 1990
  • Titelblatt
    alienation in contemporary Indian English novels
    Khair, Tabish
    New Delhi [u.a.] : Oxford Univ. Press, 2001
  • Titelblatt
    a checklist of works by Indian authors in English, 1800 - 1966
    Karkala, John A. ; Karkala, Leena
    Bombay : Nirmala Sadanand, 1974
  • Titelblatt
    Kumar, Amitava
    New York [u.a.] : Routledge, 2002
  • Titelblatt
    an anthology of humorous and other writings perpetrated by the British in India 1750 - 1950 with some latitude for works completed after independence
    Vernède, Raymond V. (Hrsg.)
    3. impr., New Delhi [u.a.] : Oxford Univ. Press, 1999